FRP. What's it good for?
Feb 22nd 2018
FRP, what’s it good for?
And we’re not talking about Faculty Response Planning. Ironically, both are mentioned in different directives by the EPA. Most of the FRP that Waterloo Paneling installs is REQUIRED. But who requires it and why? Often times an architect or engineer will spec FRP depending on the moisture or heat control components needed in a wall paneling system. Other times, LEED requirements are looking for a “green” wall paneling system. Depending on what state you live in or the application, city inspectors will look for wall paneling that is sanitary or prevents moisture. Fire rated material is spec’d by some city authorities and is often used in nursing homes, child care facilities and medical facilities.

Most wall paneling systems will either consist of FRP, Stainless Steel Panels and Tile. Whereas ten or fifteen years ago, FRP was considered to solely be functional, Induro Panels, Symmetrix and Koroguard are often used in areas open to the consumer. Stainless steel wall panels are very attractive, but must be cleaned often (as often as every day), and are extremely heavy compared to FRP. Tile is labor intensive. You can read more about FRP vs. Tile here.
Bathrooms. What better place to use a sanitary, USDA approved material that is moisture resistant and easy to clean.
Commercial kitchens/back-of-house in restaurants. Almost every restaurant across the country will have fiberglass reinforced paneling on the walls .Some higher end concepts utilize stainless steel wall panels throughout the back of the kitchen, but if a more economical approach is required by the owner, FRP is the best choice.
Child care facilities. Diaper changing facilities in painted areas are obviously a sticky situation.Diaper areas, restrooms and kitchens are a great place to utilize fiberglass reinforced wall panels.
Truck stops. Whether it’s a high impact area such as a tire barn, or the trucker’s laundry areas, truck stops take full advantage of the cleanability and high impact surfaces of FRP.
Car Washes. What better to use that resin rich fiber infused polymer than in a carwash. Exposed cement or brick walls do not hold up to the constant influx of moisture
Cooling towers. We’ve honestly never been part of a cooling tower project, but if you have one, send us plans.
Medical. Dentist offices, veterinary clinics, hospitals, morgues (we actually have completed a morgue project), and other various clean room applications require a variety of specialty wall paneling systems.
Agricultural warehouses. Because FRP Panels are so easy to wipe down and do not wear down with cleaning chemicals, it is often the product of choice when it comes to specialty wall paneling systems.
Breweries. There are breweries popping up in essentially every town across the country.Breweries utilize both FRP and stainless steel wall panels in the brewing areas.
Marijuana grow rooms. It’s one of the fastest growing industries in the country.Although we do not specialize in the construction of grow rooms, we are open providing materials and installation for all types of projects.
FRP or fiberglass reinforced paneling can be installed over almost any substrate due to the durable and flexible nature of the panels. Lastly, email us at if you have more questions about the application of FRP or any other specialty wall paneling systems.